necromancer_AX 发表于 2008-6-4 21:09 只看TA 1楼 |
宝贝,再试一次~!来自keane的悲伤挽歌 觉得好的兄弟给个红心吧~![]() Keane于1997年成立于Hastings中学。 在2002年,经过几年的磨合和试音,Keane决定要出去作现场表演。他们订了两个原声表演,一个 在12 Bar Club,另一个在Betsey Trotwood。Fierce Panda的小富豪Simon Williams刚好也看了他 们在Betsey Tortwood的表演,就让Keane在他标签下推出了一张单曲。 他们选取了'Everybody's Chaning',一首不是为了赚钱而录制的歌曲。这是一首雄壮的颂歌,表 达l了在世故的众人中茫然若失的感觉。“录制的过程有一些粗糙和匆忙,应该说这首歌是在一个 人家里的房间里录的,”Tom笑着说,“而且因为喇叭坏了,我们还要到另一间的屋子里去混音。 ”在原创作中很难再找到更多“indie”(独立)的感觉,但Everybody's Chaning听起来,甚至在 到达高潮前,就像是一首排行榜第一的hit。而它也立刻开始知名起来。Steve Lamacq坚信这是 Fierce Panda发行历史上最棒的单曲之一。可不能小看了这个标签,他们曾经是Coldplay, Idlewild和Supergrass的早期发行商。他说:“Keane就像在乎一个拖着脚走的Coldplay和一个非 常迷茫的Beautiful South之间”。他还在自己的节目里大赞这支单曲,最后还把他们请到了BBC 6Music的一期节目里。Xfm接踵而至,Clare Sturgess向他们提出了一期节目的请求。同时,一份 Sunday Times的档案写到Keane所背负的是“三分半钟的纯流行的爱慕”。NME写到Everybody's Changing 是“不可置疑地强劲”,还把他们比作是“翻唱A-ha的儿童A级时代的Radiohead”('Kid A'-era Radiohead covering A-ha)。 正如这些人所提到的,和后来不久其他人自己发现的一样,虽然评论这么说,但Keane的优美的音 乐确实不像当今乐坛里的任何人。“我们的歌有国际性的话题,而且很有感情,”Tim承认说,“ 人们想要获得感情。但现在这好像是很罕见的事情。我不认为现在有很多乐队在创作一些有意义的 音乐。没有什么可代表的。” 最终,事情开始按部就班地进行了。Keane的第一个英国巡回演出里,Tom,Richard和Tim在全国各 地的音乐馆里为5到300名观众表演。他们不像其他众多的乐队有吉他手。而吉他手的缺乏有可能让 一些纯粹主义者陷入疯狂。但是,Richard说,这不是一个有意的决定。 当2003年春天到来,他们又要上路了。而各种标签已经向他们提出请求。“我们之后能做就是有机 会和合适的人做合适的唱片,”,Tom耸耸肩说。就在这时Island踏入了他们的行列。“我们从不 想成为只是小有名气的乐队,”Tom又说,“我们要让我们的音乐被尽可能多的人听到,因为那才 是我们创作的原因。” 在the Reading的New Bands tent(新手篷)和Leeds Carling Weekend奉献出精彩的演出后,他们 的第二张单曲This Is The Last Time获得了更多的称赞。再一次,它听起来似是而非,如同所有 的乐队一样,但它听起来还是只是像Keane的。 “人们经常说他们希望回到六十年代,”Tom说,“但我们很高兴就在这里。我们喜欢摇滚的回溯 ,而现在我们有机会再添加一些东西进去。毕竟,旋律永远不会过时。” 《Hopes and Fears》是2004年发行的专集,感觉主唱的声音和coldpaly主唱有点象(想红想疯了 ?),但更偏女性化一些。 对我来说这张专辑偏流行了点... 想尝试听摇滚,但又怕太激烈的朋友可以去听听看哦~~~ 这是一个怎样的世界呢?是的,是吉他和贝司手的天下。所以当一支靠主唱+钢琴手+鼓手的乐队赢遍天下后,你或者会问:这是一支摇滚乐队吗?答案是肯定的,它就是来自英国的Keane。 主唱汤姆·卓别林(TomChaplin)与钢琴手蒂姆·莱斯-奥克斯利(TimRice-Oxley),以及鼓手理查德·休斯(RichardHughes)就构成了Keane的全部。三个来自英国南部小镇Battle的年轻人自幼情同手足,于是叫上一位主奏吉他手,组成了Keane乐队,现在负责钢琴的蒂姆当时主要负责弹贝司。但不久主奏吉他手退出了,面对或者解散或者重组的现实,Keane被迫从一支吉他乐队转变为由钢琴主音的流行音乐组合,蒂姆也重新弹回钢琴。 乐队的坎坷成长经历大同小异,2003年1月他们终于签约在一家很小但很经典的独立厂牌PiercePanda旗下,在伦敦的酒吧演出,并回到Battle镇录制了第一张单曲《Everything's Changing》,被Radio1的DJSteveLamacq选为“本周单曲”,唱片印了500张,并销售一空,他们觉得“难以置信”。 2004年,这支稍显“另类”的摇滚乐队发行了自己第一张唱片《Hopes And Fears》。或者数字更能说明问题,首张唱片创下超过500万张的销量,这一成绩打破了英国唱片最高销量的纪录,即便在遥远的美国,发行量也达到85万张。当年Keane凭借这张专辑,拿下了BritAwards最佳专辑和最佳信任两项大奖,风头一时无两。 因为音乐风格与Coldplay以及U2有些类似,新出来的Keane被奉为这两支乐队的接班人。但从第二张专辑可以看出,Keane正在努力摆脱“接班人”的称号。 组建年代:1997 组建地点:East Battle, Sussex, England 东巴特,苏塞克斯,英格兰 音乐流派:Rock 摇滚 音乐风格:Alternative Pop/ Rock;Britpop 另类流行/摇滚;英伦摇滚 演奏乐器:Piano;Drum 钢琴;鼓 乐队成员:Tom Chaplin;Richard Hughes;Tim Rice-Oxley 相似艺人:Starsailor;Snow Patrol;Delays;Coldplay;Ocean Colour Scene;Travis;Touriste;Unbelievable Truth;Lowgold;Doves;South 影响Keane的艺人:Lotus Eaters 最佳曲目: 乐队传记:MacKenzie Wilson著 Bowen编译 Tom Chaplin(主唱),Richard Hughes(鼓手)以及Tim Rice-Oxley(键盘)从小一起都在英格兰的东苏塞克斯长大,组建于1997年的Keane总是做一些非常欢快的音乐,当他们组队的时候他们都刚刚进入大学,Keane最初只是做一个翻唱乐队而已,他们和吉他手Dominic Scott一起在苏塞克斯附近翻唱一些诸如Oasis,U2以及Beatles的歌曲,但这种情况没有持续太久,他们很快厌倦了总是去演奏别人的歌,于是开始向往一些他们自己的东西了. 1999年Chaplin从他在爱丁堡大学的历史专业毕业之后移居到伦敦和他的其他几个伙伴汇合,这时,Keane总算真正有机会可以做点什么了. Keane几乎是立即就开始了他们自己的音乐录制Call Me What You Like是他们在2000年发行的第一支单曲,随后又在次年发行了单曲Wolf at The Door.然而事情并不是他们想象的进行的那么顺利,Keane前进的脚步显得很缓慢,Scott在2001年7月选择离队而另一方面,唱片公司也对他们没有太多的兴趣,因为一支钢琴主导的乐队公司认为可能Coldplay已经准备在做了.2002年12月,Keane因为公司的安排而不得不等着,相当于算个工作的暂停. Fierce Panda的Simon Williams通过一个朋友受到Keane邀请观看了他们在伦敦的巡演, Keane的演出给Williams留下了非常深刻的印象,他出资为Keane发行了他们的另一首单曲Everybody’s Changing.这张限量版的单曲出人意料的在电台上被多次播放,这时一些唱片公司又围了过来,纷纷想与这个独立摇滚三重奏乐队签约,想得到一纸为他们发行专辑的合约. 最终,Keane在2003年秋季与英国的Island公司签约并发行了他们的第4支单曲This is the Last Time.乐队的第一张专辑Hopes and Fears于2004年春季问世,专辑在发行后的第一周就直击英国排行榜首位并一举击败了Morrissey的You ![]() 下面是歌曲推荐落... <try again> [wmv][/wmv] 这首歌是keane我最喜欢的歌之一. 开始和结尾处那琴声。让人疯狂.OMG~ 还有那强大的假声。 无尽的悲伤try again I fell asleep on a late night train I missed my stop and I went round again Why would I wanna see you now? To fix it up, make it up somehow Baby I'll try again, try again Baby I die every night, every time What I was isn't what I am I'd change back but I don't know if I can Still I'll try, try again, try again Baby I die every night, every time But I was made the way I am I'm not a stone; I'm just a man Lay down your arms and I will lay down mine Reap back the time that we've been wasting God I wish you could see me now You'd pick me up and you'd sort me out Baby I'll try again, try again Baby I die every night, every time ![]() <She Has No Time> [wmv][/wmv] 每个歌者总会有他最勾人心魂的歌 那么,这一首。就是Keane的灵魂作品. 我喜欢他声音游走在边峰的脆弱与轻浅。 像无力的叹息。 我们的爱情。被时间。用力的抛向虚无。 You think your days are uneventful And no one ever thinks about you She goes her own way She goes her own way You think your days are ordinary And no one ever thinks about you But we're all the same And she can hardly breathe without you She says she has no time for you now She says she has no time Well think about the lonely people Or think about the day she found you Or lie to yourself And see it all dissolve around you She says she has no time for you now She says she has no time for you now She says she has no time (Instrumental Break) Lonely people tumble downwards And my heart opens up to you When she says she has no time for you now She says she has no time for you now She says she has no time ![]() 下一首是keane最早一张专集的主打曲. <Somewhere Only We Know> 只有我们知道的地方. 每个人心中都会有的桃花源 听完之后是否回忆起自己的清涩而冲动的初恋 [wmv][/wmv] I walked across an empty land I knew the pathway like the back of my hand I felt the earth beneath my feet Sat by the river and it made me complete Oh simple thing where have you gone I‘m getting old and I need something to rely on So tell me when you‘re gonna let me in I‘m getting tired and I need somewhere to begin I came across a fallen tree I felt the branches of it looking at me Is this the place we used to love? Is this the place that I‘ve been dreaming of? Oh simple thing where have you gone I‘m getting old and I need something to rely on So tell me when you‘re gonna let me in I‘m getting tired and I need somewhere to begin And if you have a minute why don‘t we go Talk about it somewhere only we know? This could be the end of everything So why don‘t we go Somewhere only we know? Oh simple thing where have you gone I‘m getting old and I need something to rely on So tell me when you‘re gonna let me in I‘m getting tired and I need somewhere to begin And if you have a minute why don‘t we go Talk about it somewhere only we know? This could be the end of everything So why don‘t we go Somewhere only we know? This could be the end of everything So why don‘t we go Somewhere only we know ![]() 这一首推荐的是<噩梦>. <a bad dream> 我有点不知道该怎么来介绍这首歌. 缓慢的前奏 到最后的高唱. 如果我们从噩梦中醒来. [wmv][/wmv] Why do I have to fly Over every town up and down the line? I'll die in the clouds above And you that I defend, I do not love I wake up, it's a bad dream No one on my side I was fighting But I just feel too tired To be fighting Guess I'm not the fighting kind Where will I meet my fate? Baby I'm a man, I was born to hate And when will I meet my end? In a better time you could be my friend I wake up, it's a bad dream No one on my side I was fighting But I just feel too tired To be fighting Guess I'm not the fighting kind Wouldn't mind it If you were by my side But you're long gone Yeah you're long gone now Where do we go? I don't even know My strange old face And I'm thinking about those days And I'm thinking about those days I wake up, it's a bad dream No one on my side I was fighting But I just feel too tired To be fighting Guess I'm not the fighting kind Wouldn't mind it If you were by my side But you're long gone Yeah you're long gone now ![]() 这首稍微有点象第2首. <nothing in my way> 这跳路.我从未迷失自己 认真去听 你会有种在创业时的感觉. [wmv][/wmv] A turning tide Lovers at a great divide why d you lie When I know that you hurt inside? And why d you say It s just another day, nothing in my way I don t wanna go, I don t wanna stay So there s nothing left to say? And why d you lie When you wanna die, when you hurt inside Don t know what you lie for anyway Now there s nothing left to say A tell-tale sign You don t know where to draw the line And why d you say It s just another day, nothing in my way I don t wanna go, I don t wanna stay So there s nothing left to say And why d you lie When you wanna die, when you hurt inside Don t know what you lie for anyway Now there s nothing left to say Well for a lonely soul, you re having such a nice time For a lonely soul, you re having such a nice time For a lonely soul, it seems to me that you#re having such a nice time You re having such a nice time For a lonely soul, you re having such a nice time For a lonely soul, you re having such a nice time For a lonely soul, it seems to me that you re having such a nice time You re having such a nice time 中文歌词: 我一点没受伤 澎湃的潮水 分手的情人 你为什么要笑 我知道你心里很苦 你为什么要说: “事已过去, 我一点也没受伤 我不想走 我也不想留 没有什么可说的了!” 你为什么要撒谎 其实你那时都想到了死 其实你那时心里很痛 你知道你在掩饰吗 现在也没有什么可说的了 好象是在讲故事 你不知道从那里 理清头绪 你为什么要说: “事已过去, 我一点也没受伤 我不想走 我也不想留 没有什么可说的了!” 一颗孤独的心 大好的年华 一颗孤独的心 在我看来你有 大好的好年华 大好的年华 一颗孤独的心 一颗孤独的心 大好的年华 一颗孤独的心 在我看来你有 大好的好年华 大好的年华 一颗孤独的心 ![]() 最后来个不那么悲伤的. <sunshine> 上帝啊 ~! 请赐予我阳光、泥土和雨露 [wmv][/wmv] I hold you in my hands A little animal And only some dumb idiot Would let you go But if I'm one thing Then that's the one thing I should know Can anybody find their home Out of everyone Can anybody find their home I hold you in cupped hands And shield you from a storm Where only some dumb idiot Would let you go But if I'm one thing Then that's the one thing I should know Can anybody find their home Out of everyone Can anybody find their home Lost in the sun Can anybody find their home Come on, come on, come on Can anybody find their home Oh oh-oh-oh-oh Can anybody find their home Out of everyone Can anybody find their home Lost in the sun Can anybody find their home Come on, come on, come on Can anybody find their home Oooooh Can anybody find their home 他们的MV都拍的不错.有空可以去看看 音乐是需要推广的 [ 本帖最后由 necromancer_AX 于 2008-6-6 20:29 编辑 ] |
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作者的其他主题 |
雕刻时光~个人推荐第4集-杂音记 |
雕刻时光~个人推荐第3集-经典R&B |
雕刻时光~个人推荐第2集-魂游者的梦境~! |
来自教堂的空旷声音,飘旋在寂静的天空~<交响金属> |
雕刻时光~个人音乐推荐-中文RAP和HIP-POP专集 |
宝贝,再试一次~!来自keane的悲伤挽歌 |
necromancer_AX 发表于 2008-6-5 12:03 只看TA 2楼 |
奇怪拉 看来没有多少人知道他们呀?不过他们在中国也确实米啥名气额~ |
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pengpeng703 发表于 2008-6-5 17:17 只看TA 4楼 |
它们乐队的歌曲听了以后你真的能有那种置身其中的意境感受!让人会产生很多的遐想! 像第一首try again虽然是一首很伤感的歌曲,但是有时候我们真的要具备这种精神,失败不要紧我们可以try again。 Somewhere Only We Know这首,我们每一个人心中都有自己向往的一片天空,不管这个天空的颜色是什么,每个人都有自己的生存法则,不管这种生存法则的结果是什么,因为有了这些才让人拥有了自己的个性! sunshine这一首让我们对未来充满阳光,也许每一个人都会在人生的历程中遇到很多的困难和挫折,但是因为我们有信念,有梦想,从而让我们可以很好的来面对,一个人一辈子都要去面对,去承受,不管你喜不喜欢,这是必须的! 非常感谢楼主的分享!这个世界因为分享而美丽! |
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necromancer_AX 发表于 2008-6-5 17:50 只看TA 5楼 |
回复 6楼 的帖子 谢谢拉.音乐需要推广.还是这句话.希望国内也能多出现优秀的音乐~ |
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necromancer_AX 发表于 2008-6-6 21:44 只看TA 7楼 |
补图完毕. 刚把挂了3张图补好了。BAIDU老是抽. 很多好的图片都无法使用。 哎 |
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necromancer_AX 发表于 2008-6-6 22:05 只看TA 9楼 |
回复 9楼 的帖子 恩.为方便大家 我把能翻译的贴出来吧~ You think your days are uneventful And no one ever thinks about you She goes her own way She goes her own way You think your days are ordinary And no one ever thinks about you But we're all the same And she can hardly breathe without you She says she has no time For you now She says she has no time Well Think about the lonely people Or think about the day she found you Or lie to yourself And see it all dissolve around you She says she has no time For you now She says she has no time For you now She says she has no time Lonely people tumble downwards My heart opens up to you When she says She has no time For you now She says she has no time For you now She says she has no time 《她已没有时间》 你以为你的日子是平静无事的 甚至没有人想一想你 她走她自己的路 她走她自己的路 你以为你的日子是平凡无奇的 没人去想一下你 但是我们都是一样的 没有你她仍可以艰难的呼吸 她说她现在已没有时间再给你 她说她已没有时间 想一下那些孤独的人们吧 想想她找到你的那个日子 或者骗骗自己 然后,看着所有的一切熔化在你的周围 她说她现在已没有时间给你 她说她现在已没有时间给你 她说她现在已没有时间。。。 孤独的人们跌跌撞撞 而我的心向你敞开着 当她说她现在已没有时间给你 她说她现在已没有时间给你 她说她现在已没有时间。。。 |
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