zensan 发表于 2009-5-28 19:18   只看TA 1楼
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什么才是经典——传说中的金属天籁《Chapter I》


The feeble leafs decline, 气若游丝的叶子地落下了,  
Enshrined in downing deep 深藏在记忆的最深处  
The mourn abandoned plains, 那悲怆的荒原,  
Laid down in sombre sleep 沉睡了  
Misty shades engulf the sky 雾影弥漫在整个天空  
Like past, worn memories 一如过往褪色的记忆  
The bird's song fills the whispering breeze 低语的微风中夹杂着鸟儿的轻啼
With autumns melody 那是秋天的乐章  

The lunar pale grim shape 月色如霜  
At evening's sight renews 夜幕降临  
It's silented wail relieves 人们放声悲号  
Repressed thoughts anew 抑郁的思绪获得新生  
I hear the lonesome choir 我听到那寂寞而幸运的唱诗声  
Of fortunes past my way 在我的路上飘过  
Disdained in fiery weeps 消失在声嘶力竭的哭泣中  
Throughout my every day 日复一日  
These skies I hail and treasure thee, 我仰天欢呼,视你若珍宝,  
Most pleasant misery 痛并快乐着  
Not pittes thorn I shelter thine 我一路披荆斩棘,只为保护你  
Mysterious harmony 多么奇妙的和谐
Draw on most pleasant night 最美的夜晚即将来临  
Shade my lorn exposed sight 挡住我孤寂的视线  
For my grief's when shadows told 斑驳的影子似乎在说我的悲痛  
Shall be eased in mist enfold 会在迷雾中散去  
Why should the foolish's hope 为何要痴心妄想  
Thy unborn passioned cry 你永远不会为我热泪盈眶  
Exhaust unheard 我筋疲力尽却无人知晓  
Beneath this pleasent sky 在这美丽的天空下  
For if the dusking day declined 若暮色降临  
Could delight be far behind 那份欣喜是否将拂尘远去?

http://www.namipan.com/d/A%20Som ... fdc4a91301123b43904

[ 本帖最后由 zensan 于 2009-5-28 19:20 编辑 ]
  • tester 金币 +12 发帖辛苦啦! 2009-5-28 21:00
该用户匿名发帖 发表于 2009-5-28 19:28   只看TA 2楼
下下来听听 很优美的一首曲子 但听起来怪怪的
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